A friend of mine last week said: “I haven’t seen you for 10 years. You look almost the same. You must have had a hurricane of change inside of you!?”
Oh, yes! More than someone has for their whole life, thanks to God for precious challenges! The transformations are divine.
Isn’t it wonderful to make momentous life changes based on conscious decisions? Unfortunately, personality transformations are usually caused by external influences. Two years ago, I jumped off the track of my previous essence. I used to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, but the extreme life situations have brought my health and safety to the verge. If you don’t see me as often, or you might notice that I silenced my appearance online, this is why. I went deep into myself to reconnect, feel, and learn. Last two years, I have been building a solid base for a new place where I am on my own. I think I am ready to share this with you.
The first turnover change I made was asking for help. Surrounded with closest friends, holiness, teachers, mentors… I explored great loves that I had never had time for before – heart and soul, opening and growth, parenting, neuroscience, psychology.
Another killing change, since I believed I am an extrovert – I spent a year in peace and quiet, digging deeply. I distanced myself from some people to save myself. And I distanced myself from many more people, though, to protect them from myself. Because the process of meeting on deep levels with own soul is a fricking rollercoaster! But outcomes are divine 🙂
I’m turning a new page today! I am opening up to a new cycle. New connections. New creations.
I can’t wait to meet with you more often. I miss you all more than you can tell. Where have you been in these crazy times?